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Smarter Travel: Making a Good Impression as an American in Amsterdam

Smarter Travel: Making a Good Impression as an American in Amsterdam

If you’ve never traveled abroad, it is important to know that different countries have different customs and expectations for their citizens and tourists. While some behaviors may be considered normal in the United States, in European cities like Amsterdam, these behaviors may be considered rude or uncouth. 

To help you be the best tourist possible, Riverdale Travel has developed this guide on how to be a tourist in Amsterdam. We’ll highlight some of the things to watch out for and ways to make a good impression on the locals. 

Avoid the Busy Seasons in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is considered one of the world’s most visited cities, and it has a problem with overtourism. It has gotten so bad that the city is working on limiting some travel to make it more comfortable for the locals. 

That’s why it is important to avoid going to Amsterdam during the summer and on weekends. If you can swing an early spring visit or during the week in the summer, you’ll find the city a little less crowded. 

Prepare Your Credit Cards, Cash, & ID

While most of Amsterdam takes popular credit cards, you should call ahead to certain places to ask which forms of payment they accept. For this reason, you may also want to carry some cash with you. 

Some places also accept cashless payments from your smartphone. 

Always keep some form of ID on you while traveling in Amsterdam. It’s just smart. 

TIP: Be aware of pickpockets. Keep your money and important documents close at hand at all times. Consider purchasing an anti-theft travel bag to carry your money.

Walk & Bike in Appropriate Spots

Amsterdam is a city big on bicycle travel, so there are many bike lanes for this purpose. There are also places just for pedestrians, so stick to those areas. 

If you decide to bike in the city, make sure you lock your bike with two bicycle locks to avoid theft. 

TIP: Do NOT walk in bike lanes.

TIP: Do NOT bike on sidewalks.

Behave Yourself in the Red Light District

If you choose to visit the Red Light District in Amsterdam, be polite and do not gawk. Do not take pictures of people in the Red Light District, and avoid drinking too much alcohol. 

These behaviors are rude and will not put you in the best light as an American tourist in Amsterdam. 

Know the Difference Between Coffeeshops & Cafes

Cannabis is legal in Amsterdam, and the places where you purchase cannabis are called koffieshops in Dutch, which translates to coffeeshop (one word). 

You will not find coffee at a coffeeshop in Amsterdam – you will want to look for cafes for that purpose. 

You also cannot buy alcohol at coffeeshops. You should also be prepared to smell cannabis, as people hang out outside coffeeshops to smoke. 

TIP: As a tourist, you may want to avoid partaking in the legal cannabis in Amsterdam. If you aren’t sure of the laws surrounding it, just be safe and don’t do it. 

Always Be Polite & Considerate

When traveling anywhere, particularly in Amsterdam, it is essential to be considerate. Remember that Amsterdam is a city where locals live and work, and as a tourist, you have a responsibility not to disrupt their lives. 

Avoid doing anything that you wouldn’t do at home, and avoid acting in a way that puts Americans in a bad light. 

TIP: If you go to Amsterdam to party, keep it low-key and polite. Stay in control. 

Plan Your Amsterdam Trip with Riverdale Travel

Looking for an adults-only trip to Amsterdam

The travel experts at Riverdale Travel can help you book an unforgettable trip while staying within your budget. We can help you reserve your hotel rooms ahead of time to avoid a hassle once you get there, and we can help you find fun, adults-only activities. 

Planning a group trip to Amsterdam? We are experienced at handling your group’s wants and budgets, so you don’t have to. 

Call us today at 763-323-3665 or book a consultation online to start planning your next adventure!